Monday, December 8, 2014

Left Standing In the Hall in a Tween Time Curse

I awoke in a fog of dreams and dark mornings
a faint memory of seeing you sitting on the floor
a long ago memory combined with now
and you were in top form, on stage again,
touring America, muddled motel rooms
engagements at the mall.

The poet of the people convincing the masses
to engage with you in reflection
read your words with inflection,
I heard that giggle that always makes me smile.
Suitcase opened on the bed, head hanging low
reaching for the laces of your shoes,
you looked up, dread melting – forging a smile,
a light turning on in your eyes, feeding your face
the color rising in your cheeks, glowing from within
lifting your lips you spoke, tender.

“Hey Girl, where you been?” is all you said,
words losing meaning and purpose as energy
lifted my feet off the ground and into clouds
separating the earth from my soul, I knew I was dreaming.
Left standing in the hall in a tween time curse
the pressure of life began to beckon from the darkness,
but all I heard was the rumble of the road calling my name.

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