Friday, December 4, 2015

T'ween Time Filigree Seams

Breathing deeply, I search
anticipating catching a scent of you remaining,
hoping no one else will,
I bring different pieces of myself past my face
until I discover you upon my palm.
The place where your fingers met mine
fingers entwined in gentle after-glow,
your eyes, sideways across the pillow, smiling.

I find you mixed in the scent of my hair
sweet breath and skin as you pulled me in,
your hand pressed firmly against my crown
I breathed, buried into your chest, knees tucked
I find you on my shoulder
left over from the curve of your arm
enveloping me in embrace
soft-scented trace lingers.

You stay with me until morning,
if only in visions and reveries
honeyed perfume infecting my mind,
sweet dreams of daylight domesticity
situations that can never be,
conversations with no place in the darkness
grasping tween time filigree seams
lost in our blissful in between.

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